Prod’Cast #59 w/ RobyUanKeRoby (Live Tribe)

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Cette semaine, il s’agit du Prod’Cast #59 qui est à l’honneur.


Ecletic liveset dj set performer since 2010, with a unique style that ranges between TeknoTribe to Drum n bass, mixing it with a lot of breakcore acid drums and basslines, exagerated synths, all spiced with a lot of vocal samples, most of them sampled from italian TV movies personal recording. it’s a fact that one of his idols and inspiration is Dj Balli 🙂 member of Circuit Gang and founder and teacher of the Korg Electribe Academy, he mostly play live with a pair of blackened ESX and EMX, along with a KP3, all routed into a Mackie VLZ mixer. but if there are turntables around, he knows how to rock them well too!!
« The valve Force is strong in this one »
open for booking everywhere!!
May his sound be with you!!

Circuit Gang

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